Letter to Andrea

Dear Andrea:

God loves you so much that He has made you the special one daughter for my sister Lêvi. Although it might feel otherwise to you at times, believe me, you are blessed to be with such wonderful person. Let me tell you why.

I was a middle kid in a large family. Remember how sometimes you feel suffocated by all the attention and demand placed upon you as the only child. I was longing for such time and attention growing up. I was placed in a boarding school, since I started kindergarten. Bà Nội was so busy that Chị Vy (your Mom) was the only mother that I knew.

Chị Vy took care of me well. While I was a big kid, I got sick easily. Have you ever gotten sick and the world seemed to have abandoned you? That feeling multiplied many times when you are in a boarding school without your parents. Chị Vy was there for me. She was also there to help me with my bedwetting problem, my rough playing, my angry and aggressive manner, my bullying ways and especially my homesickness. Many times your Mom was called away from her classes to wash my soiled clothing, to answer to the Nuns for my bad behavior, and to comfort me when I just cried and refused to do anything. She was the best Mom at the age of ten and eleven.

Then I was off to the seminary. Ask your Mom on how often she had taken me to the bus depot and gave me money to spend. Ask her also how often she had patted me on the head and tried to hide her tears, when I kept asking her why our Mom never came visit. Your Mom was the best Mom at the age of fifteen and sixteen.

When we first got to America, Chị Vy worked very hard to help our family. She became my role model for her dedication and devotion to take care of others. She worked at a Chinese restaurant through all kind of hours. Even today, every time I go out to eat at a restaurant, I cannot help but thinking about the hard work your Mom had endured to help our family. She studied hard as well. I was so proud the day your Mom got accepted to Dental School, and later becoming a Dentist. Ask her how she had done this while working more than full time and helping out the family. During this time, she was more than an inspiration for me; she was also my confidant. She encouraged me to be independent and taught me to be courageous in accepting responsibilities. I went to college at Texas A&M against my Mother's will, but knowing that I was doing the right things for me. When I met Cô Dung in college, it was your Mom that told me to follow my heart.

I love your Mom dearly, because she was also more than an older sister. She was my other Mom. She was my best Mom. And this is why you are so lucky to have her as a Mom.

Andrea, as you are about to receive Confirmation, thank God for all that He has given you. In confirming your faith in God, hold on to your Mom and confirm your love for her. Do so, not just for yourself, but also for me.

Cậu Vui

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